What Are Signs I May Be Experiencing a Dental Emergency?
Watch this video to learn more about the symptoms you may be experiencing which can denote a dental emergency.
If you’re waking up in the middle of the night, you have a tooth that’s throbbing. You know, you eat something and you have sensitivity. You maybe, you’re having a dental emergency. If it gets to the point where it becomes unbearable, you have a dental emergency. We do this procedure all the time. So we handle emergencies and we handle them in a timely fashion.
And we try to you make a phone call. We’re going to answer that phone call or call you right back. And we’re going to try to see if hey, let’s see if we can get you on a schedule to see what’s going on. We give you a complimentary exam, we’ll take an X-ray, see what’s going on and say, hey, there’s something we can need to do, and then we can get it done in a timely fashion so that you don’t suffer.
And remember, with, with abscesses, the longer you let it go, the more it’s, more it’s going to be painful, it’s going to be because the pus is building up and it’s going to get swollen or it’s going to feel like the area or you can’t touch it or you can’t eat. And our job is to make you so that you can function and and be happy.