Veneer Dentist Creates the Perfect Smile

Veneer Dentist in Springfield, MA | Porcelain Veneers

Imagine this: you’re scrolling through your social media feed, liking and commenting when a dazzling smile catches your eye. Most of us have been there, as 80% of Americans aged 18-49 want brighter teeth. You can’t help but think, “I wish my smile looked like that!” Well, with the expertise of a qualified veneer dentist, it can! Dental veneers are useful for many situations, helping patients achieve the radiant, confident smile they’ve always desired.

Why Dental Veneers?

Dental veneersVeneer Dentist in Springfield, MA | Porcelain Veneers are a cosmetic treatment designed to hide imperfections in your teeth and give you a brilliant, uniform smile. They consist of thin, custom-made shells tailored to fit flawlessly over the surface of your teeth. They are primarily made from porcelain or a tooth-colored composite material. Porcelain veneers, in particular, are more resistant to stains than your natural enamel.

So, what can veneers do for you? A veneer dentist uses them to hide imperfections like:

  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Stains or discolorations
  • Misshapen teeth
  • Gaps or spaces in your smile

Even if you have teeth that might seem too small or oddly shaped, veneers can offer a solution, presenting a consistent, pleasing appearance.

However, having a clean bill of oral health is essential before considering veneers. Issues like gum disease or cavities should be addressed first. After all, while veneers enhance the appearance of teeth, they don’t fix underlying dental problems. It’s also important to know that veneers will require the removal of some tooth enamel to sit flush with the rest of your teeth, making this an irreversible procedure.

Dental Veneers vs. Dental Crowns: What’s the Difference?

Both veneers and dental crowns can improve a tooth’s appearance, but there’s a distinct difference. Veneers only cover the front surface of the tooth. In contrast, a crown is like a protective covering for the entire tooth. Crowns also require the removal of more enamel and are used for more restorative purposes. If you’re looking for a purely cosmetic enhancement, a veneer dentist might recommend veneers over crowns.

The Perks of Dental Veneers

One of the primary reasons individuals choose veneers is their natural look and feel. They are designed to blend in with your natural teeth, achieving a uniform, seamless look. The customized fit ensures this. Most people find the veneer placement procedure straightforward, with few needing any anesthesia. Afterward, taking care of your veneers is a breeze! Porcelain veneers resist stains better than natural teeth, and with a regular dental hygiene routine of brushing, flossing, and dental checkups, they can serve you beautifully for a decade or longer.

If you’re looking for a quick but dramatic way to improve your smile, veneers are a great option.

Our Veneer Dentist Explains the Process

Starting your journey towards a stunning smile is simple—schedule a free consultation with Dr. Zirakian. During this visit, he’ll assess your oral health and answer any questions you may have. Once you decide to proceed, the procedure usually involves a couple of visits. At your first visit, Dr. Zirakian will remove some enamel and take impressions of your teeth for the lab. Temporary veneers are provided while we wait for your custom veneers to be created. On your next visit, Dr. Zirakian will remove the temporary veneers and carefully place your permanent ones. Your new teeth are ready to use as soon as you walk out the door!

How Much Does It Cost?

Many people considering cosmetic dentistry hesitate to improve their smiles due to financial worries. But at East Longmeadow Family Dental Center, we believe that quality dental care should be affordable to everyone. We’ll start by reviewing your insurance plan so that you know exactly what’s covered. We also collaborate with several financing companies that offer flexible financing plans. This approach makes treatment affordable for diverse budgets.

Contact a Veneer Dentist Today

If you’ve been hiding your smile, now’s the time to change. In just a few visits to East Longmeadow Family Dental Center, you could be flashing a smile that turns heads. With over 40 years of experience, Dr. Gregory Zirakian has the expertise to bring your dream smile to life. So why wait? Contact East Longmeadow Family Dental Center and schedule your free consultation today.

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