What If I Don’t Have Enough Bone for a Traditional Implant?

Are you considering dental implants but have questions about whether you have enough bone or may require bone grafting? Watch this video to learn more about bone requirements for successfully placing a traditional dental implant.

We offer this exam a complimentary exam so that we can take a look at the bone and take that X-ray to see exactly what you have. Mini implants require less bone, less space. Really, And it’s less it’s less painful because it’s a simpler procedure in a way. But like I said, it’s one of those things. Come on and we’ll take a look and see exactly what you got.

And we can tell you. Right? Or I can tell you, you know exactly if you have enough bone or if the bone is good to replace a dental implant. But it’s a wonderful procedure because, you know, we get years and years of damage. There’s not enough room to put an implant or he doesn’t think there’s enough bone. And then we take a look at it and we go, all right, we can stick a mini in there though. And the minis are wonderful because they allow us to do something that we didn’t used to do before. Like I said, within a few weeks you can usually get it if it’s, you know, a simple front or side tooth.


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