What Is a Dental Implant?

Are you considering a dental implant but have questions about the procedure and what is involved? Watch this video to learn more about dental implants and how they are utilized to replace missing teeth and bring stability to loose dentures.

We do two different types of implants. Mini implants are unique in that you can replace them within a few weeks. So you can do a surgical procedure, and you know you can do two or three, four, as many as you want. Minis were actually designed for, years ago, for denture stabilization. So if you have a loose denture it’s driving you crazy, and you say to yourself, God almighty, I’ve had all these dentures made. I need something better, a lower denture. You can put four mini implants in there, and you’re done.

And you have, within one appointment, you have the surgery done, and the denture realigned if it’s a relatively newer denture. If the denture is old, I probably have to do a new denture. But it’s a wonderful procedure for that. But the minis are great and they just help thousands of people get some teeth back. It’s a wonderful procedure.


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